Please review the Serving Opportunities and complete the form below.

Tracy Mattes


Set up tent, flags, and welcome guests: Sunday Morning, 7:30am to 1pm, Minimum 8, preferably have more. 

Volunteers Needed

Greeting at services: Sunday Mornings, 7:30 – 8:15, 2 – 4 people at each interval
Volunteers Needed

Greeting at services: Sunday Mornings, 9:15 – 9:45, 2 – 4 people at each interval
Volunteers Needed

Greeting at services: Sunday Mornings, 11:00 – 11:30, 2 – 4 people at each interval
Volunteers Needed

Visitors contact and follow up: 1 hour weekly, 2 – 4 people (once a month)
Volunteers Needed

Membership Follow up: Encourage visitors get connected and talk about membership. 1 hour weekly, 2 – 4 people (once a month)
Volunteers Needed 

New Members connection: Meet and greet those that are attending the new members meetings.  once a quarter, 1 – 2 people once a quarter
Volunteers Needed

Nancy Kousaie

Phone: 407-765-6493

Legacy: Tuesday Morning set up and set down, 10:30 – 12pm, 2 people
Volunteers Needed

Taste of Bethlehem: December 2023

Family Days: June/July/August 2024

Owner and Leader needed

Join the Pumpkin Patch Team: April 24th through Nov 1st 2023, Originally some set up meetings and then support whilst patch is running 11:00am – 7pm from Sep 24th to Nov 1st.
Volunteers Needed

Pumpkin Patch set up:  Saturday Sep 23rd 2023, 11am to 2pm

Volunteers Needed

Pumpkin Delivery: Saturday Sep 30th 2023, 11am to empty truck! 

Volunteers Needed

Pumpkin Patch Volunteers: Flexible Oct 1st to Oct 31st, 1pm to 8pm

Volunteers Needed

Pumpkin Patch put down: Nov  1st through  Nov 5th, TBC

Volunteers Needed: 12 people

Ken Bradford


Tech: Thursday Evening, 5pm to 6:30pm 
Volunteers Needed

Tech: Sunday Mornings, 7am to 1pm, 4-8 people
Volunteers Needed

Tech: Events throughout the year, assisting with set up and set down. TBC, 4-8 people
Volunteers Needed

CPC hosts many fun and family friendly events all year round including:

  • Summer Family Days
  • Fall Festival
  • Woof-Tacular Dog Costume Contest
  • Pumpkin Patch
  • Bethlehem Experience

For more information contact Tracy Mattes:

Our Sunday morning kids program is always in need of team members.

Check out the web page at

For more information on how you can help, contact: 

Deni Sunderly – Director Of Children’s Ministry

Our Sunday morning Youth Ministry runs parallel with the Children’s Ministry.

Check out the web page at

For more information on how you can help, contact: 

Taylor Grace Lewis – Youth Director

Astrid Rudram

Phone: 407-566-1633

Single People: 
Volunteers Needed

People with Illnesses: 
Volunteers Needed

College-Aged Kids: 
Volunteers Needed

Emotionally Wounded People: 
Volunteers Needed

People who have lost a spouse:
Volunteers Needed

People with Different Cultural Backgrounds:
Volunteers Needed

People who struggle financially:
Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed

People without Children:
Volunteers Needed

People who live different lifestyles:
Volunteers Needed

Astrid Rudram

Phone: 407-566-1633

Ladies Bible Study:
Volunteers Needed

Men’s Bible Study:
Volunteers Needed

Young Adults Bible Study:
Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed

Please visit the webpage at

For more information contact Tracy Mattes:

Please review our missions page:

Contact Carol Carbrey

Astrid Rudram

Phone: 407-566-1633

When we have church family in hospital or long-term care, we want to be able to send a caring visitor: 
Volunteers Needed

Astrid Rudram

Phone: 407-566-1633

Every week you will get a list of prays that we would ask you to intentionally pray over.  More hands   together bring God glory and miracles: 
Volunteers Needed

Carol Carbrey


King’s Kafe: Sunday morning, 7am-12 noon or portions of time available.
Volunteers Very Much Appreciated

King’s Kafe: Tuesday thru Saturday, 9am-noon and noon-3pm shifts available.
Volunteers Very Much Appreciated

Astrid Rudram

Phone: 407-566-1633 

Assistance: Flexible, 1 to 2 hours a week, making sure that the Sanctuary is clean of old connection cards and is ready with Pens and new Connection Cards.  Ready for services.  4 people (once a month)
Volunteers Needed

Put up Christmas Decorations: Sunday Nov 26th 2023, Noon till 3pm

Volunteers Needed

Put Christmas Decorations Away: Sunday Jan 7th or 14th 2024, Noon till 3pm

Volunteers Needed

Astrid Rudram

Phone: 407-566-1633 

Assist with general maintenance, plumbing, painting, electrical, cleaning, decoration and being a part of a fun working team: Flexible, 1 to 2 hours a week of a given task
Volunteers Needed

Anne Lucas

Phone: 407-361-8426  

Join the Columbarium team, this is a small team that oversee the columbarium and keep it running smoothly.  From meeting clients to setting up for services or even just some paperwork: Flexible, 1 to 2 hours a week of a given task, 1 to 2 hours a week of a given task
Volunteers Needed